Join us

You can make a difference by joining the Hyde Park Estate Association.
You can help our voice to be heard. 

We welcome new members! As a member you will receive regular news updates on issues concerning our local residents and businesses such as combating traffic and crime issues. We are keen to bring residents together, a strong local community is vital for our wellbeing.

We organize monthly pub evenings for our members (via zoom at the moment) as well as a fantastic annual Christmas Party. The annual membership fee is £15 (individual), £25 (household) or £50 for businesses.

Please email our membership mailbox, providing us with your name, contact details and what type of membership you would like or simply click below to go directly to the online sign-up form and we will be in touch with you.

You can unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time. If you have any problems, contact us on

General enquiries




Correspondence address

22 Hyde Park Square, London W2 2NL